Voicing Loss Project
ICPR at Birkbeck, and the Centre for Death and Society at the University of Bath, havepublished findings of the Voicing Loss study on the role of bereaved people in coroners’ investigations and inquests.
A range of project outputs are available via the dedicated Voicing Loss Project Website . They include a short research summary, along with thematic research reports and policy and practice briefings. The website also has an information and resources section for the general public, and an Expert Insights blog to which many stakeholders have contributed.
We wanted to take this opportunity to again thank you for your support with the project and for contributing a blog post to the Expert Insights section. We hope you find the project publications and information of interest. Please do pass on the website link to any others who may be interested.
With best wishes
Alex, on behalf of the Voicing Loss Project Team
Dr Alex Murray, Birkbeck, alex.murray@bbk.ac.uk
Professor Jessica Jacobson, Birkbeck, j.jacobson@bbk.ac.uk
Lorna Templeton, University of Bath, l.templeton@bath.ac.uk