Become a MemberTypes of membership Full membership - for officers and staff working within the Coroner service Affiliate membership - open to all who have an interest in, or work allied to the coroner service. Student membership - who are studying at a university or college who have an interest in working within the coroner service or in a profession allied to the coroner service. Retired membership - Former full members. Honorary membership - Former full members who are no longer working within the service but have significantly contributed to or supported the work of the association Membership prices are annual fees set out below: Full membership - £25 Affiliate membership - £20 Student membership - £10 Retired membership - £10 Honorary membership - Free **As part of our relaunch, we are pleased to announce that we are offering free membership to all until April 2025** Please ignore the final PayPal page after filling in applciation details as your request for membership will still be received. Type of membership Please Select Full membership Affiliate membership Student membership Retired membership Honorary membership Title Please Select Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Sir Full name Telephone Number Area Please Select Avon Bedfordshire and Luton Berkshire Birmingham and Solihull Blackpool and Fylde Brighton and Hove Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Cambridgeshire North and East Cambridgeshire South and West Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire Ceredigion Cheshire Cleveland Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Corresponding Member County Durham and Darlington Coventry Cumbria Cumbria North and West Cumbria South and East Derby and Derbyshire Devon Dorset East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston-upon-Hull East Sussex Essex Essex and Thurrock (No 1) Exeter and Greater Devon Gateshead and South Tyneside Glamorgan Gloucestershire Greater Manchester Greater Manchester North Greater Manchester South Greater Manchester West Gwent Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton Hartlepool Herefordshire Hertfordshire Honorary Member Isle of Wight Kent Kent Central and South East Kent Mid and Medway Kent North East Kent North West Lancashire Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen Leicester City and South Leicestershire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Liverpool and the Wirral London London City London East London Inner North London Inner South London Inner West London North London South London West Manchester City Merseyside Milton Keynes Newcastle and North Tyneside Norfolk North Lincolnshire and Grimsby North Tyneside North Wales (East & Central) North West Wales North Yorkshire and York Northamptonshire Northumberland Northumberland North Northumberland South Nottinghamshire Oxfordshire Peterborough Plymouth, Torbay and South Devon Retired Member Rutland and North Leicestershire Sefton, Knowsley and St Helens Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Somerset South Wales Central Southend (No 2) Staffordshire Staffordshire South Stoke on Trent and North Staffordshire Suffolk Sunderland Surrey Sussex Swansea and Neath Port Talbot Teesside The Black Country Jurisdiction Torbay and South Tyne and Wear Warwickshire West Midlands West Sussex, Brighton and Hove Wiltshire and Swindon Wolverhampton Worcestershire Yorkshire East Yorkshire North Yorkshire South Yorkshire South East Yorkshire South West Yorkshire West Yorkshire West Eastern Yorkshire West Western Job Title Please Select Coroner’s Officer Court Officer Administration Staff Secretary Coroner’s Investigation Officer Coroner’s Service Manager Senior Coroner’s Officer Other Login Details Email address Password (At least 8 characters long) Please leave blank if you are human Submit